21st European Seminar on Extension education (ESEE)

  Dear Colleagues,


  The ESEE is a biennial event that is organized in rotation by European countries for training and research in the purpose of communication for agricultural and rural extension.

  As it known, the first seminar was organized in Finland 40 years ago. 21st ESEE will be also held between September 2 to 6, 2013 in Antalya, Turkey.

  The main purpose of this seminar traditionally is to share the ideas and practices of the participants on participatory approach to agricultural extension works. As usual this year we will see and listen the best practice in extension between public and private extension services around the world starting from Europe. We have the possibilities to discuss and argue and to adopt them in other countries, and to meet good friends during years. During these passed years we are the Extension Educators, Scientists and have met all around.

  The issue, "train trainers to train" is the same but the world around has changed. As it known, we need food, and the farmers are still providing the material for safety food as well as they are most responsible of security of food. We, the extension educators are finding the innovations for new and less time consuming and easier work for agriculture.

  We will be happy to welcome you in Antalya, hope to see you in sunny Antalya.


  Sincerely yours.


  Orhan Özçatalbaş, PhD.

  Coordinator of 21th ESEE

  Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture

  Dept.of Agricultural Economics

  Extension Science

  (including multifunctionality, tourism, etc)


(including global warming, food crises, energy crisis, sustainable agriculture, etc.)


(including alternative or short circuits, marketing, etc)



(including methods, facilitation, etc.)




  Target Groups

  • Practitioner of extension

  • Scientists , Researchers, Trainers

  • Consultants in the rural sector

  • Directly & indirectly related fields & sectors (Universities, Research Public&Private Institutes, Ministries..)


  We invite all those who are interested in presenting a paper, video, poster,
practical idea, or debate in the 21nd ESEE. The guidelines for the full paper have been available
next week . We request for proposal from individuals in the fields of Extension Science, Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture and all related fields. We accept two types of presentations: Oral presentation & Poster presentation.

  The abstract title, the names of the writer, and supervisor of the research
article introduced, and contact email address, the name of institution (university etc).
The seminar 2013 will emphasise these specific themes above but papers on other
topics are also welcome. If you have more suggestions for the topics to be covered after this very demanding natural disaster time to the farming and extension, please write us about them. During the seminar, some tecnical visits to institutions involved in training and
teaching extension and some historical places will be organized.


  Registration & Accommodation

  All presenters are expected to register online by 10th May 2013 for presenters. The online registration will be available by 31st May for other participants as it given below. Registration and all seminar fees information will be presented to you via internet (webpage and paper) about online registration, abstract submission, full paper and poster submission, and power point presentation, accommodation, flight, and venue etc.


  The Important Dates

  The seminar will be held between 02-06 September 2013.

07058 Antalya/Turkey

  E-mail: oozcatalbas@gmail.com

  Tel/Phone:+90 242 3102476 Fax:+90 242 2274564




  About Seminar

  Purpose of the Seminar

  The main purpose of this seminar traditionally is to share the ideas and practices of the participants on Extension Worldwide to agricultural extension works.

  The practitioner of extension and advisory work in the rural sector, scientists and researchers participate to our seminar. As usual this year we'll see and listen the best practice in extension between public and private extension services around the world starting from Europe. We have the possibilities to discuss and argue and to adopt them in other countries.


  These are seen the most accurate development of Extension for next decade. During October 2012, two months ago when the international committee had communicated via internet.The themes were proposed last days. The main heading:

Extension education worldwide: trends, challenges and cases (including public and private, farmer organizations, etc.)

Deadline for Full Paper Submission & Early Registration 

  • Extension education for rural development
  • Extension education and the future of food and farming
  • Extension education and commercialisation of agricultural products
  • Extension education networks and cyber extension

  • New approaches in planning, implementation and evaluation of extension education projects
  • 30th March 2013 - Deadline for Abstract Submission


  • 10th April 2013 - Notification of Acceptance


  • 10th May 2013 -
  • 31st May 2013 - Deadline for Registration of Other Participants


  • 2nd - 6th September, 2013- Seminar Dates




     website: http://esee1973.org/index.html



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